Think again, all religions are NOT same! - Halatu Honnu

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Blindly saying 'All Religions Are Same' is like saying 'Medical and Engineering fields are same'! If you are thinking that 'all religions are same', then you haven't yet studied all religions completely.

Christians' Bible will NOT accept "All Relgions Are Same".

Muslims' Quran will NOT accept "All Relgions Are Same".

Contradicting to Christians and Muslims, Hindu scriptures accept that there can be multiple paths to reach the God (just like having multiple routes to reach the top of a mountain).

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When I believe "Only I am right and others are wrong", I become a real threat to the peace in a society.

In below 3 parts of a session by Rev. Mindy Kurka, she beautifully & in easy terms, explains "why all religions are not same" & "how Hindu way of life is good for a peaceful world than Abrahamic religions". Do watch them and let us know your comments.

Reference/further read:
1. Please Hindus, Don’t say: “All Religions are the Same” By Maria Wirth