Only God I Believe - Halatu Honnu

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Sada Vasantam Hrudayaaravinde
Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami!

Dwelling inside everyone's hearts
Oh devine forms of masculine and feminine
I bow to thee!

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God is not sitting somewhere up in the sky staring at us all the time. God is not sitting on a throne in the heaven far away. God is not a dictator or an emperor to impose selective commandments.

I don't know the name of God.
I don't know his color.
I don't know his form.
I don't know the gender of God (as my Guru* says, If a man can think 'God is a man', woman is free to think 'God is a woman').
I don't know his religion, caste, language, ethnicity, nationality, identity, etc.

But if there is God, then i know "He is beyond any religion; He is beyond any limitations". And he will be within myself, not somewhere in the sky only to show up after my this body dies; Or to comfort me with 72 virgins for doing all shitty deeds in the name of God, only after loosing this physical body!

Whatever we call as God, can be nothing but our higher self.

God is within every life!

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Only God I believe is within me!

*        I have chosen Sadguru as my Guru. However, this does not imply that Sadguru has accepted me as his Shishya. I am clearing this matter to avoid some expected conflicts!