Lessons from Shri Rama and his Mandir - Halatu Honnu

Journey of Shri Rama and his Mandir - Both were not easy.

  1. Study the life journey of Shri Rama
  2. Study the journey of Shrine of Shri Rama in Ayodhya

After studying both, one thing that remains in your mind forever is:
"Defeating the evil is of course difficult, but ultimately Good will Triumph over evil".

Shri Rama is a Purushottama. He lived in Treta Yuga. And still, no matter what, Shri Rama never left his Shastra.

Currently Hindus are living in Kaliyuga. They should know the importance of Shastra & Shaastra!

Forms of Shastra and appliance of Shaastra would change with the changing time.

Forms of Shastra changed along with the time:
Stones, Bow and Arrow, Swords, Guns, Tanks, Ships, Flights
  • Political system of a country (Politicians, Parties, Judiciary, Public Service people, etc)
  • Education system of a country
  • Culture or tradition or lifestyle
  • Movies, Books, News Agencies (or media houses)
  • Authors, Historians, Lecturers, Professors, Doctors
  • VIPs & other influential people of a country
  • Priests (Pope himself is a King of a country) & Nuns or Moulvis, etc
  • Feminism activists
  • Environmental activists
  • Social Activists
  • Abrahamic Religions & their so called holy books and commandments fallen from sky!
  • Constitution (or other Books) which control a country
  • Secularism (it was just a solution for Europe's problem to seperate Christian Churches' interference in government bodies)

Forms of appliance of Shaastra changed along with the time:
  • Fix time and spot for war
  • Conduct war in a dharmic manner
  • Don't attack unarmed population
  • Don't attack from back side
  • Don't attack after sunset
  • Shelter even your enemy, if required
  • Attack from front-back-side everywhere
  • No fix time and place of war
  • No Dharmic manners or ethics to follow
  • Counter terrorism (Terrorism was created as a weapon and is being used as a weapon)
  • Dharma is for those who believe in it
  • Dharma ≠ Religion ("Religion" is a manmade entity)

  References/Further Read