I adore him! - Halatu Honnu

I adore him, because...

  • He didn't enforce any commandments on us!
  • He didn't scare people by saying "follow me and my commandments otherwise you will burn in eternal hell fire"!
  • He didn't order "go and spread my words till the end of the Earth"!
  • He didn't show arrogance by proclaiming "only I'm right and all others are wrong"!
  • He didn't fool people by saying "only through me one can enter heaven"!

I adore him, because...

  • He didn't order to kill non-believers!
  • He didn't promise any virgins in jannat!
  • He didn't proclaim "only I'm the god and all others are daemons"!
  • He didn't say "only I'm the messenger or I'm the last messenger of God"!

⚛ Jai Shree Ram ⚛

  References/Further Read